Paystub Violation Lawyers in
Newport Beach
Determined to Get the Best Possible Outcome
When people think about violations that occur in the workplace, they usually think about cases involving sexual harassment or injuries suffered from an unsafe environment. Surprisingly, however, a very common violation involves the improper handling of paystubs. Sometimes this may happen accidentally. , whereas at other times, a company may purposefully be cheating its hardworking employees. Whatever the scenario, if you notice that your paystubs have been consistently incorrect, or are missing required itemization, it is time to contact one of our skilled paystub violation attorneys in Newport Beach.
While missing one paystub here or there may not seem like a major issue, each occurrence adds up. Each violation is a statutory violation that carries with it a mandated penalty. It is only fair, therefore, that a company that has been negligent in caring for its employees face the consequences. The employment law attorneys at Carter Law Firm are here to help you, and will review your paystub free of charge.
Paystub Requirements in Newport Beach
California employers must provide each employee with a wage statement. These requirements not only include the primary amount of salary or wages, but also must outline the exact hours worked, any taxes removed, overtime rates, and applicable deductions.
The following components should be clearly designated on an accurate paystub, including:
- Total hours worked
- Number of part-time, full time, and over-time hours
- Hourly rate
- Net wages or salary earned
- The employers’ name and address
- The exact dates of the current pay period
Types of Paystub Violations
On a daily basis, our lawyers encounter a wide range of paystub issues. When these items are not accurately recorded, the employee loses.
Examples of pay stub violations include:
- Improper recording of hours worked
- Miscalculated overtime or part-time hours
- Incorrect names, dates, and other key information
- Failure to properly record meal and/or rest breaks
- Iincorrect or failure to list rate of pay
- Incorrect calculation of commissions
Call us today at (949) 239-0419 so that we can get you the recompense you deserve. We’re also available online.

Results That Speak for Themselves
Cisco $20 Million
Confidential Defendant $17.4 Million
Bank of America $16.7 Million
Abercrombie & Fitch $9.6 Million
Toys 'R' Us $7.5 Million
Verizon Wireless $6.9 Million
Big Lots $6.5 Million
Sprint $4.9 Million
Paramount $2.4 Million
Bed Bath & Beyond $2 Million